Documentary – 100 Miles and 2 Mouths

Juhu, wir haben Rückmeldung von Holly und Jo aus England bekommen!
Wir dürfen ihren Film “100 Miles and 2 Mouths” sehr gerne im Rahmen der Regio Challenge überall zeigen und gucken.
Zu Hause, gemeinsam in WGs, bei öffentlichen Filmabenden, wo auch immer…
Hat wer Lust einen Filmabend bei sich im Dorf/in der Stadt zu organisieren und Menschen dazu einzuladen?

Here is a link to the full film:
In the summer of 2015 Holly Black and Jo Barker decided to only eat food from within 100 miles of their home city Bristol, for an entire year to find out what it truly means to eat local.
This documentary short follows their journey through the highs and lows as new feasts are foraged, old traditions explored and tantrums are thrown at the loss of comforting eating habits.
Best of luck to you and all of the people taking part in the challenge. We’re really happy to support change in the food system from the ground up.
Holly and Jo x